Murphy's Classes


1 Spaces

24 August 2024 10:00

161 Ballyrobert Road BT39 9RT



Join our Mantrailing introduction course where you will discover the science behind the sport, and will have the opportunity to take part in some Mantrailing with your dog. Any dog can learn how to Mantrail and no previous training is necessary. Will suit dogs that do not like other dogs, one dog at a time will be trailing

It is a fantastic activity where dogs use their noses to pick up and follow a unique scent trail to find a specific person. This is a dog sport, and is only for fun, but it provides an outlet for your dog to use their natural instincts and abilities in a safe, controlled, and constructive way. The course will give your dog the freedom to harness their incredible sense of smell, work independently, and think for themselves to complete a challenge. You will also learn more about your dog's body language and behaviours while you work as a team.

The training is reward based, using positive reinforcement only and NO harsh methods. Spaces are limited so please book through the website. Upon booking, you will receive a confirmation email detailing what to bring, and some further information. A reminder email will be also sent from Please check your spam/junkmail folder if you do not receive the confirmation email to your inbox, or alternatively, add this address to your contacts in advance. *We prefer that a maximum of two people attend per dog.

Trainer Name

Course Instructor

Robin Bates and Donna Bingham